Thursday, 8 December 2011

What are the best ways for finding new prospects in MLM?

This is a great question asked by Malcolm on Linkedin (for the original post go to

Here is my answer:

The best way to find prospects is have them come to you. All businesses should start with market research. Once you have found your niche market you can position yourself, your opportunity or your product in font of them. Give them value and show them why you/opportunity/product are a leader in that market. This will drive a steady stream of prospects or customers to your business.

If you are looking to find prospects you are the one doing the hunting,  this takes a lot of time and effort. You end up chasing prospects and customers trying to close the deal. This is a method that only the ignorant, uneducated and uninformed use. It's an old method that takes too much time and effort to do.

If you have positioned yourself or your product in front of your target audience and give them value (before asking for their money) you then become the hunted. There is a lot more leverage when you are being hunted and it takes a lot less effort.

Find your market first, this is where your prospects hang out. Here are some methods to getting those prospects flowing:

  • A website or blog - this needs to provide value and be relevant to what you are offering
  • Social media - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc, these are all places that your prospects might hang out. Social media is a great platform to give value. (Top Tip: don't do any hard selling on the social media sites.)
  • Advertise in industry publications - remember to position yourself as a leader and provide a solution to a problem

Become the hunted instead of the hunter. Actually get paid to prospect. Free Video Series!

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