Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Keep your eyes on the prize

Motivation in a Home Based MLM Business

For me the motivation to put in the hard work and endure the steep learning curve without getting to disheartened comes from keeping my eyes on the prize.  I have a very clear picture of what I want my life to look like.  This is not a fixed end goal, as my expectations and dreams change over time.  It is more a constant striving to be more, have more, do more.

I have 5 main passions in life

My family
Making furniture
My business

The goal of the business is to fund the other passions as well as become better at what I do and to achieve more within the business.

There is no real end goals for these passions as they things that bring me joy, happiness and contentment.  I am not looking to becoming the best surfer in the world or turn professional, but I am always working on being a fitter and stronger surfer and improving the moves I can do.

The prize for me is more a lifestyle.

I am constantly thinking and daydreaming about my passions, they are always on my mind.  Whenever I am at my desk putting in the hard work into my MLM business, I am also thinking about the goals and dreams.  That's what keeps me motivated.

Some tips for you to keep motivated in your Home Based MLM Business:

  • Decide what it is you are working towards
  • Define weekly, monthly and annual goals
  • Build a picture in your mind of the lifestyle you want to achieve and live
  • Daydream about your lifestyle all day long

To learn how to attract endless new prospects and distributers go to AnthonyStott.com

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