Thursday 8 December 2011

The Magnetic Sponsoring foundation course was just the beginning..

After reading the Magnetic Sponsoring book my mindset had totally changed and I knew that I had picked the right company to train with.  I read that book as well as the special reports that you get with the course. So the foundation had been laid and I was ready for more.

The next course I bought was the Building On a Budget course, which shows you how to build a business for $500.  In the course you'll be shown how to  generate thousands of dollars for your MLM business even if you don't sponsor any reps in your primary opportunity. You'll also be shown how to legally make use of other people’s traffic and piggy back on their credibility and much more. After I had read Building On a Budget I felt I was still short a few skills and some knowledge.  I wanted to grow a big business fast and wanted to know the ins and outs of everything that the guys at Magnetic Sponsoring knew.

This took me to purchase the real deal when it comes to MLM training, " MLM Traffic Formula". This course is an in-depth-up-to-date-all-you-can-eat when it comes to growing an mlm business using attraction marketing principle. You'll be walked through step-by-step each and every element of what is needed to build a lead generating machine.  I have been really impressed with the course and it's content. For anyone serious about building a successful mlm company where lead generating is on semi auto pilot and your leads are attracted to you instead of you hunting them down, then this is a must.

I owe a lot to the team at Magnetic Sponsoring for all the knowledge they have given to me. I've spent over $1000 with them, but would put the value of their courses around $10 000.

 I have bought The Copy Writers Guild, But have not started the course.  Once I have I'll be sure to give you  run down of the course and how I have benefited from it.

I don't know where I would be if I hadn't read Magnetic Sponsoring, I definitely wouldn't be enjoying MLM or worse I would've given up all together.  The old techniques don't appeal to me, the're too much hard work.  I much prefer using the internet to generate leads.  Leads that are interested in an MLM opportunity.

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