Thursday, 8 December 2011

Does SEO work for network marketing?

If you had asked me three weeks ago I would've said no.

So why do I think differently today.  Well, I've been having a look how I rank for keywords such as MLM, Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing and have found that I rank quite well for all three of these keywords both in the UK and Australia.

None of these keywords are my keywords that I target, but because they are included in some of my keywords and my content is relevant, Google has been looking upon me favourably.

So Does SEO work for network marketing?  The short answer is yes it does.  There is a lot of foundation work to put in and of course there is the constant adding of content (the hard part for me).  It isn't by luck that I have got page 1 ranking on Google for multiple keywords, I have spent many hours and hundreds of dollars to learn how to deliver content that is both user friendly and Google friendly.

I have learnt all that I know about internet marketing and SEO for network marketing from the team at Magnetic Sponsoring.  I took the plunge buying their MLM Traffic Formula course (it's not cheap) and spent many hours after work learning and applying what is taught in the course.

After giving up on so many other books, cd's and course I was determined not to give up on MLM Traffic Formula because I believed in Mike Dillard (founder of Magnetic Sponsoring) and his approach to network marketing.

SEO is certianly working for me and it sure can work for you.

To get your hands on the best (in my humble opinion) network marketing training go get MLM Traffic Formula NOW 

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