Thursday, 8 December 2011

Creating a system for running an MLM from home - Part 2

To follow on from part 1 I will continue my explanation of my mind map which gives you a simplified system for running an MLM form home.



3 - Hot Prospects - Once you have spent time with a lead helping, guiding and giving value (this doesn't have to be face-to-face or even on the telephone.  It can be done electronically and automated) they will become a hot prospect without you having to chase them.  It is all about giving in this game.  Your hot prospect will eventually ask and some cases beg to become a distributor in your MLM.

4 - Distributor - This is where you need to step up your game and spend some time on the phone and face-to-face with your prospect.  Once they become a distributor they are now part of your business, a very important part. Look at your MLM business as if it were a corporation like Microsoft or Xerox.  If the people at the top forgot about the people down the line and just left them to do whatever, the business would start to suffer very quickly.  Your business is no different, you are the CEO and you have 'employed' these people to build your business and sell products.  You need to be coaching them and leading them.

I detail every aspect of my business with similar mind maps.  For instance I would take the Lead part of the above mind map and break it down even further into where do leads come from, how am notified, what are the steps I take form the time the lead comes in etc.  You'll find that when you start you'll actually end up with quite a few more ideas from mapping out and systematizing you business.      

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