Systems, systems, systems! That's how McDonalds,, Ford and many other companies have built hugely profitable and successful businesses. I find that many network marketing business owners shudder when they hear the word sytems, they think it's a compliacated process to go through. They think they need to hire some smart ''degreed up" person for too many Dollars an hour to implement systems for their business.
Good news! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to develop a system for your business. Below is an overview of a business system that I have used for my MLM. It's easy to start this way and then dig down deeper to put things in place to ensure a smooth running business. A system is a step-by-step manual that will show how, what, when, who and why for every elenment of your MLM business.
Have a look at the mind map and then read my notes that follow:
As you can see there is the central part which is your core business, branching off from that are the elements of your MLM business that will be crucial to building a big team.
- Marketing - You need to have a clear goal as to why you are marketing, who you are marketing to and what it is you want to achieve form it. For each part to your marketing plan you need to detail what you will publish, when you will publish and what the aim of that content is. Marketing is getting the word out there about your MLM business, those people who respond to your marketing will become...
- Leads - Once you have someone's details they are a lead. Now you need to detail what you do with a lead and when you do it. You can see from the mind map that I have listed what I will give my leads.
In part 2 we will be looking at the other next 2 elements...
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