Thursday 8 December 2011

How to determine what is a good opportunity in the MLM industry

There are a lot of good opportunities out there and it can be over whelming when trying to find one that will suit you. My first question to you would be: what do you want from an MLM business?

This is an important question, because the answer will determine your direction in the business.

Here are the main things to look at when choosing a company:

The company - How long have they been around? Research the CEO and read the policies and procedures (these should be displayed on their website). How long has the company been around? 2-5 years should be a minimum.

The product - I would look at companies that suit interests, for example I wouldn't join an MLM company selling health products if I was an over weight smoker. The primary company that I am a part of has a digital product that is for free which helps people seek out the best price for consumer products on the Internet. Now the reason I chose this is because I want a product that is easy to sell (it's free so there's no selling), anyone in the world can use it at the click of a mouse and it saves people money. Win, win, win.

Compensation plan - How many people do you need in your business to make $5000 a month, the fewer the better. Compensation plans can be quite confusing so don't get too caught up in it.

Support: Now this is where I might cause a bit of a stir. Most companies and their leaders aren't any good at training new recruits. They usually tell you to make a list of 100 people you know and go see them and try sign them up, what rubbish! In terms of support you want to have someone at the end of the line who can explain everything to you and be there to answer any questions. In terms of training, seek this elsewhere. I did a lot of research on this and found what I think is the best MLM training in the world and have followed it to a T.

I think training is the most important part of an MLM business.

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