Thursday, 22 December 2011

How Frustration led Me to Magnetic Sponsoring

After joining my third mlm company I still found myself getting nowhere.  In each company I had spent hundreds of dollars on CDs, flyers and other marketing materials and was led to believe that the way to build my MLM business was to distribute these to anyone and everyone.  I had made a list of 100 people I know and contacted them with no success.

I was very frustrated with the mlm companies and the leaders who were pushing these methods. I was tired of these very inefficient ways of trying to sign up prospects and customers.  I wanted a new way an easier way of making a success out of my mlm business.  The old ways didn't suit my style.

It was all this frustration and disillusion that led me to Magnetic Sponsoring

I had fallen for the hype on all three occasions, each time thinking a better product would be the key to my success.  Boy, was I wrong.  It was at this point that sat down and had a good long think about this whole MLM business.  The major thing that I could see that wasn't going well for me was the marketing. I had been to an internet marketing course and had been blown away by the power and the leverage of the Internet.  So when I found magnetic sponsoring I knew that I had hit the jackpot.  Here is a company that was founded by a top earner in MLM and his training uses internet marketing fundamentals to build an MLM business...Perfect!

To learn how to attract endless new prospects and distributers go to

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Keep your eyes on the prize

Motivation in a Home Based MLM Business

For me the motivation to put in the hard work and endure the steep learning curve without getting to disheartened comes from keeping my eyes on the prize.  I have a very clear picture of what I want my life to look like.  This is not a fixed end goal, as my expectations and dreams change over time.  It is more a constant striving to be more, have more, do more.

I have 5 main passions in life

My family
Making furniture
My business

The goal of the business is to fund the other passions as well as become better at what I do and to achieve more within the business.

There is no real end goals for these passions as they things that bring me joy, happiness and contentment.  I am not looking to becoming the best surfer in the world or turn professional, but I am always working on being a fitter and stronger surfer and improving the moves I can do.

The prize for me is more a lifestyle.

I am constantly thinking and daydreaming about my passions, they are always on my mind.  Whenever I am at my desk putting in the hard work into my MLM business, I am also thinking about the goals and dreams.  That's what keeps me motivated.

Some tips for you to keep motivated in your Home Based MLM Business:

  • Decide what it is you are working towards
  • Define weekly, monthly and annual goals
  • Build a picture in your mind of the lifestyle you want to achieve and live
  • Daydream about your lifestyle all day long

To learn how to attract endless new prospects and distributers go to

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Time Management for a Home Based MLM Business

Without effective time management you'll more than likely end up feeling like you are busy, yet you won't seem to be getting much done. The secret to effective time management is to plan ahead and keep focused.

I usually break things down into categories and then the different tasks within that category.

For example



  1. - brainstorm articles
  2. - check analytics
  3. - update content distribution


  1. Change offer on fan page

So you can see within the marketing category there are sub categories such as blog.  Then with the blog I list all the tasks that need going for that week. Prioritize what tasks need to be done first and then do them first, often the hardest tasks to do are the most important.  Do them first, as this will lighten the load and give you some breathing space to get on with the rest of your tasks.

In Stephen Covey's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" he talks about the difference between urgent and important. They are two very different things.  Getting to the doctor because you broke your arm is both urgent and important.  Decide what is urgent and what is important and follow the diagram to form an action for that task.

One of the most effective ways to get things done is to have a stop watch by your  side.  I go through all the tasks I need to do in the morning and allocate a time frame  in which too get it done.  I set the timer and off I go.  I find this keeps me extremely  focused as I know I only have X amount of time to do the task.  This prevents me  from "quickly" checking out something on the web or getting distracted with  anything else.

One of he biggest  distractions for someone who is running a home based MLM business is the ringing phone and incoming emails.  Decide on set times when you  will make and receive phone calls and read and reply to emails.  Switch off you  email alerts and set your phone to voicemail.  You can take is a step further by leaving a message on your voicemail to say that you will return calls, say between 10am - 11Am and 2pm - 3pm.  Likewise with your email, set an auto reply to send an email out to the person sending you an email to tell them exactly when you will reply to an email.

I scan my emails once a day to sort my inbox out.  Any emails that need immediate attention get flagged and dealt with in a time slot at the end of the day, any emails that are to do with reading/education I file away to be opened in my reading time (usually it he evening or on weekends).  And of course the dreaded junk mail gets deleted.

In summary:

  • Break down your business into categories and sub categories
  • Plan your week ahead prioritizing the most important tasks with a category or sub. Ate gory
  • Use a stop watch to keep track of your time and keep you in focus
  • Decide what is important and what is urgent and schedule it appropriately
  • Schedule phone call (incoming and outgoing) and emailing to specific time slots.

For more article like this visit: 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Creating a system for running an MLM from home - Part 2

To follow on from part 1 I will continue my explanation of my mind map which gives you a simplified system for running an MLM form home.



3 - Hot Prospects - Once you have spent time with a lead helping, guiding and giving value (this doesn't have to be face-to-face or even on the telephone.  It can be done electronically and automated) they will become a hot prospect without you having to chase them.  It is all about giving in this game.  Your hot prospect will eventually ask and some cases beg to become a distributor in your MLM.

4 - Distributor - This is where you need to step up your game and spend some time on the phone and face-to-face with your prospect.  Once they become a distributor they are now part of your business, a very important part. Look at your MLM business as if it were a corporation like Microsoft or Xerox.  If the people at the top forgot about the people down the line and just left them to do whatever, the business would start to suffer very quickly.  Your business is no different, you are the CEO and you have 'employed' these people to build your business and sell products.  You need to be coaching them and leading them.

I detail every aspect of my business with similar mind maps.  For instance I would take the Lead part of the above mind map and break it down even further into where do leads come from, how am notified, what are the steps I take form the time the lead comes in etc.  You'll find that when you start you'll actually end up with quite a few more ideas from mapping out and systematizing you business.      

Creating a system for running an MLM from home - Part 1

Systems, systems, systems!  That's how McDonalds,, Ford and many other companies have built hugely profitable and successful businesses.  I find that many network marketing business owners shudder when they hear the word sytems, they think it's a compliacated process to go through.  They think they need to hire some smart ''degreed up" person for too many Dollars an hour to implement systems for their business.

Good news!  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to develop a system for your business.  Below is an overview of a  business system that I have used for my MLM.  It's easy to start this way and then dig down deeper to put things in place to ensure a smooth running business.  A system is a step-by-step manual that will show how, what, when, who and why for every elenment of your MLM business.

Have a look at the mind map and then read my notes that follow:

As you can see there is the central part which is your core business, branching off from that are the elements of your MLM business that will be crucial to building a big team.

  1. Marketing - You need to have a clear goal as to why you are marketing, who you are marketing to and what it is you want to achieve form it.  For each part to your marketing plan you need to detail what you will publish, when you will publish and what the aim of that content is.  Marketing is getting the word out there about your MLM business, those people who respond to your marketing will become...
  2. Leads - Once you have someone's details they are a lead.  Now you need to detail what you do with a lead and when you do it.  You can see from the mind map that I have listed what I will give my leads.

In part 2 we will be looking at the other next 2 elements...

What are the best ways for finding new prospects in MLM?

This is a great question asked by Malcolm on Linkedin (for the original post go to

Here is my answer:

The best way to find prospects is have them come to you. All businesses should start with market research. Once you have found your niche market you can position yourself, your opportunity or your product in font of them. Give them value and show them why you/opportunity/product are a leader in that market. This will drive a steady stream of prospects or customers to your business.

If you are looking to find prospects you are the one doing the hunting,  this takes a lot of time and effort. You end up chasing prospects and customers trying to close the deal. This is a method that only the ignorant, uneducated and uninformed use. It's an old method that takes too much time and effort to do.

If you have positioned yourself or your product in front of your target audience and give them value (before asking for their money) you then become the hunted. There is a lot more leverage when you are being hunted and it takes a lot less effort.

Find your market first, this is where your prospects hang out. Here are some methods to getting those prospects flowing:

  • A website or blog - this needs to provide value and be relevant to what you are offering
  • Social media - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc, these are all places that your prospects might hang out. Social media is a great platform to give value. (Top Tip: don't do any hard selling on the social media sites.)
  • Advertise in industry publications - remember to position yourself as a leader and provide a solution to a problem

Become the hunted instead of the hunter. Actually get paid to prospect. Free Video Series!

How to determine what is a good opportunity in the MLM industry

There are a lot of good opportunities out there and it can be over whelming when trying to find one that will suit you. My first question to you would be: what do you want from an MLM business?

This is an important question, because the answer will determine your direction in the business.

Here are the main things to look at when choosing a company:

The company - How long have they been around? Research the CEO and read the policies and procedures (these should be displayed on their website). How long has the company been around? 2-5 years should be a minimum.

The product - I would look at companies that suit interests, for example I wouldn't join an MLM company selling health products if I was an over weight smoker. The primary company that I am a part of has a digital product that is for free which helps people seek out the best price for consumer products on the Internet. Now the reason I chose this is because I want a product that is easy to sell (it's free so there's no selling), anyone in the world can use it at the click of a mouse and it saves people money. Win, win, win.

Compensation plan - How many people do you need in your business to make $5000 a month, the fewer the better. Compensation plans can be quite confusing so don't get too caught up in it.

Support: Now this is where I might cause a bit of a stir. Most companies and their leaders aren't any good at training new recruits. They usually tell you to make a list of 100 people you know and go see them and try sign them up, what rubbish! In terms of support you want to have someone at the end of the line who can explain everything to you and be there to answer any questions. In terms of training, seek this elsewhere. I did a lot of research on this and found what I think is the best MLM training in the world and have followed it to a T.

I think training is the most important part of an MLM business.

What is a funded proposal?

I am doing some research for a new project (totally unrelated to a home based MLM business) and I searched the term 'funded proposal'.   I was quite surprised that almost all of the search results were MLM based.  Surely such a great marketing technique would be taught to traditional businesses (massive opportunity for consulting work)?

Anyway, I though I would give you a quick breakdown of what a funded proposal is:

A Funded Proposal is a marketing technique whereby you offer a low cost front end product, as apposed to selling your main product on the front end.

The reason for doing this is three fold:

  1. It creates cash flow.  This cash flow then funds the advertising to get more people to buy the front end product which drives the next point...
  2. It generates leads.  When your customers buy they opt in to an email campaign that ultimately sells them your main product.  Whether you go for a hard sell or a soft sell at this point is up to you.  By having a low cost front end product that pays for advertising, you are ultimately creating free leads for home business.  Not just any leads...
  3. Gives you pre qualified leads.  The people that buy this front end product have now shown you that they are interested in you product and are willing to spend money with you.
Wow!  Every business should be practising this marketing method.  Who doesn't want pre qualified, money spending FREE LEADS?

If you want to learn more about the funded proposal marketing method I highly recommend you buy Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring course by CLICKING HERE.

How I found Magnetic Sponsoring

I found this list on the internet and researched every single one of these people to find out what training they provided.  Out of all of them I felt that Mike Dillards training, Magnetic Sponsoring was the most impressive and the one that made sense to me.  In fact what he had to say in the free videos has totally changed my thinking.  If you want to see for your self go grab his free videos on the right hand side or follow this link

* Amounts shown are monthly residual income

1. Lita & Brig Hart Monavie $950,000

2. Barry Chi & Holly Chen Amway $850,000

3. Howe Kean & Shu Chen Foo Amway $450,000

4. Enrique & Graciela Varela Herbalife $425,000

5. Gina & Steve Merritt Monavie $407,000

6. Carol & Ken Porter Monavie $400,000

7. Sunny Su & Debra Hsu Hsieh Amway $400,000

8. Charlie & Debbie Kalb Monavie $398,000

9. Rolf Kipp Forever Living Products $375,000

10. Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponsoring $365,000

11. Bill & Peggy Britt Amway $350,000

12. Dexter Yager Amway $350,000

13. George Zalucki & Art Napolitano ACN $350,000

14. Jim & Nancy Dornan Amway $350,000

15. Max Schwarz Amway $350,000

16. Peter & Eva Muller-Meerkatz Amway $350,000

17. Sharon & Steven Sharif Xango $350,000

18. Tsuyoshi Tomioka Synergy $350,000

19. Jay Kubassek CarbonCopyPro $300,000

20. John Peterson Herbalife $300,000

21. Kaoru Nakajima Amway $300,000

22. Marco & Milagro Dubon Forever Living Products $300,000

23. Susan Peterson Herbalife $300,000

24. Darrell & Tracy Utterbach Monavie $292,000

25. Kelly Bangert Monavie $292,000

26. Onyx Coale Monavie $292,000

27. Ron & Brenda Prudhomme Monavie $292,000

28. Scott & Sue Olsen Monavie $292,000

29. Corbin & Holly Roush Monavie $270,168

30. Steve & Melyn Campbell Exfuze $252,000

31. Dave Johnson Nikken $250,000

32. Debbie & Geoff Davis ACN $250,000

33. Jeff Roberti NSA-Juiceplus $250,000

34. Kang Hyeon Sook & Ryu InIk Amway $250,000

35. Leonard & Esther Kim Amway $250,000

36. Mark & Peggy Lei Amway $250,000

37. Roberto Ruiz For Ever Living Products $250,000

38. Simon Abboud ACN $250,000

39. Adrian Eimerl & Shawn Herrick & Jeremy Rose ACN $240,000

40. Leonard & Esther Kim Amway $225,000

41. Shane & Dana Douglas ACN $225,000

42. Carol & Alan Lorrenz Herbalife $220,000

43. Mathieu Lamontagne ACN $220,000

44. Patrick Maser & Mike Maser ACN $215,000

45. Danny Bae ACN $210,000

46. Jeff Weber ACN $205,000

47. Domo Kovacevic ACN $204,000

48. Mike Bisutti ACN $203,000

49. Nathan Goldberg ACN $202,000

50. Brian & Andrea Sax ACN $200,000

MLM forums to check out

I've put this list together to save you a bit of time and to help you in the beginning stages of your MLM journey.  

I use Better Networker almsot every day, because it is run by professionals who have a strict code of ethics when it comes to their website.  You won't find people hard selling much on this website because they get kicked out.  The focus is on helping each other.

Have a look at the other forums, but until you've done some MLM trainings you should hold back from using them as a tool to market your MLM opportunity.

Better Networker

Rich Dad

Work At Home Network

Home working


How to find the right training for MLM?

As you might have gathered from my previous posts, I am not a fan of the training that most MLM companies provide (see Burn Your MLM Training Manual!)

In this day and age if you want to replace your current salary through MLM you need to adopt the most up to date marketing techniques, ones that enable you to find your target market quickley and place youself in fron of that target market.  As far as I'm concerned the only way to do this is through the internet.

WHY?: Because the internet is open 24/7 and you can potentially reach billions of people.  Is it possible to work 24 hours a day and speak to everyone even in your city? No, of course not.  However a video or an article can be viewed all day long by countless people WOW! isn't that insane?

So lets get to the big question: How to find the right training for MLM?

  1. Internet marketing, copy writing and sales are probably the most important skills you'll need to gain from training for MLM.  If there are any other skills you feel you need then list them.
  2. Find MLM experts that will give you some advice with out trying to sell you something, best to look in forums (Click here for suggested forums) for them.  Ask them what training they did and what they would recommend.
Once you have got some suggestion from people, go have a look at the training and research the people behind the training.  Here is how I founf the training I did.  I went in search of the highest earners in MLM and then Googled all of them to find out if they offered training.
The one that came out top for me was Magnetic Sponsoring.  It absolutely changed the way I viewed MLM and how to market for MLM.  To sum it up they teach how to become the hunted not the hunter.
To find out more about Magnetic Sponsoring or to get the free videos CLICK HERE

What does it really take to run a home based MLM business?

To start with it's pretty obvious that you need a computer, internet connection and a space (preferably away from the hussle and bussle of the house).

But other than that what does it really take to run a successful home based MLM business?

Speaking from my own experience and what I have seen and learned from others, I would say that the following is a pretty concise list of what is needed:

  • Knowledge - The knowledge I'm talking about here is bsuiness knowledge.  There are two key skills here which are marketing (getting the word out about your MLM business) and sales (selling the product).  Now I know that most people hate spending money when starting a business, but training is absolutely paramount if you want success in an MLM business.  Your MLM company will not provide sufficient training.  You need to get up to speed with the latest marketing techniques so that you can take your product and opportunity to more people in more countries.
  • Focus - Follow One Course Until Successful full stop!
  • Discipline - You must discipline yourself to do what you need to do when you need to do it.  If you need to cut down on your social life do it.
  • Consistency - You don't have to do enormous amounts of work, once everything is set up you'll need to do little bits everyday.  Just like compund interest, a little bit consistentl will pay huge dividends.
  • Patience - You might not see results right away, just be patient and keep doing what you need to do.
  • Drive - It can get tough building your home based MLM business, so it's important to have a big reason for what you are doing.
What do you think it takes to run a home based MLM business?

Become the hunted instead of the hunter. Actually get paid to prospect. Free Video Series!

Don't Start A Home Based MLM Business!

Don't start a home based MLM business until you have done some thorough market research to find your target market.

Determining your target market and what it is they are looking for will make a massive difference between success and failure in this business.

I bet most people join an MLM business off the back of the facts and figures that are given to them by the people selling them the opportunity.  How many of you actually went and did your own market research to see how much of a market was out there and how easy it was to find them before you joined?

You see the market research comes first then comes the product, not the other way round!

My advice would be to have a look at 10 home based MLM businesses that interest you and then do the market research to find a target audience.  You might find that some don't have much of a target market.  When you have narrowed it down then you can see which MLM businesses are going to be best to join.

To find your target market you need to sit down with a pen and pad and think of as many problems you think people are trying to solve by buying your product or business opportunity.

Once you have these you can start to do some research to find out how many people have these same issues, this is going to determine your target audience.

Does SEO work for network marketing?

If you had asked me three weeks ago I would've said no.

So why do I think differently today.  Well, I've been having a look how I rank for keywords such as MLM, Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing and have found that I rank quite well for all three of these keywords both in the UK and Australia.

None of these keywords are my keywords that I target, but because they are included in some of my keywords and my content is relevant, Google has been looking upon me favourably.

So Does SEO work for network marketing?  The short answer is yes it does.  There is a lot of foundation work to put in and of course there is the constant adding of content (the hard part for me).  It isn't by luck that I have got page 1 ranking on Google for multiple keywords, I have spent many hours and hundreds of dollars to learn how to deliver content that is both user friendly and Google friendly.

I have learnt all that I know about internet marketing and SEO for network marketing from the team at Magnetic Sponsoring.  I took the plunge buying their MLM Traffic Formula course (it's not cheap) and spent many hours after work learning and applying what is taught in the course.

After giving up on so many other books, cd's and course I was determined not to give up on MLM Traffic Formula because I believed in Mike Dillard (founder of Magnetic Sponsoring) and his approach to network marketing.

SEO is certianly working for me and it sure can work for you.

To get your hands on the best (in my humble opinion) network marketing training go get MLM Traffic Formula NOW 

The Magnetic Sponsoring foundation course was just the beginning..

After reading the Magnetic Sponsoring book my mindset had totally changed and I knew that I had picked the right company to train with.  I read that book as well as the special reports that you get with the course. So the foundation had been laid and I was ready for more.

The next course I bought was the Building On a Budget course, which shows you how to build a business for $500.  In the course you'll be shown how to  generate thousands of dollars for your MLM business even if you don't sponsor any reps in your primary opportunity. You'll also be shown how to legally make use of other people’s traffic and piggy back on their credibility and much more. After I had read Building On a Budget I felt I was still short a few skills and some knowledge.  I wanted to grow a big business fast and wanted to know the ins and outs of everything that the guys at Magnetic Sponsoring knew.

This took me to purchase the real deal when it comes to MLM training, " MLM Traffic Formula". This course is an in-depth-up-to-date-all-you-can-eat when it comes to growing an mlm business using attraction marketing principle. You'll be walked through step-by-step each and every element of what is needed to build a lead generating machine.  I have been really impressed with the course and it's content. For anyone serious about building a successful mlm company where lead generating is on semi auto pilot and your leads are attracted to you instead of you hunting them down, then this is a must.

I owe a lot to the team at Magnetic Sponsoring for all the knowledge they have given to me. I've spent over $1000 with them, but would put the value of their courses around $10 000.

 I have bought The Copy Writers Guild, But have not started the course.  Once I have I'll be sure to give you  run down of the course and how I have benefited from it.

I don't know where I would be if I hadn't read Magnetic Sponsoring, I definitely wouldn't be enjoying MLM or worse I would've given up all together.  The old techniques don't appeal to me, the're too much hard work.  I much prefer using the internet to generate leads.  Leads that are interested in an MLM opportunity.

Burn Your MLM Training Manual!

Most network marketing companies tell you to go out and 'sell, sell, sell'.  That is because the person who sponsored you wants you to be selling in volume so that they can boost their commission.  

While this is good for both parties for a while, you will usually find that the enthusiasm and the sales start to wear off.  Most people aren't sales people to begin with and to learn to become a sales super star can take some time.  

The problem with focusing on sales is that it is very short sighted.  Making money from sales will only make you money as long as you are selling.  You are not building anything substantial for yourself, you have just created another job. Recruiting is where the long term value of network marketing lies.  This is how you are going to build a business that will in turn build you an income.  It is how all big, successful companies do it.  

You won't find Bill Gates going to door-to-door to computer shops to sell Microsoft products!  He has build a business, a team that does all the work for him.  It is about leveraging resources Once I was shown the difference between selling and recruiting I had a massive shift in mindset and my network marketing business took a massive leap forward.  If you focus on building your business instead of selling more you will be creating long term residual money, enabling you to have the lifestyle that all the network marketing companies use in their marketing materials.
